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Multifaith Stories by Khayaal Theatre

A demon slaying heroine, a resilient cobbler, a punctilious baker, a bereaved youth and their respective supporting casts draw on a constellation of character virtues (e.g. courage, generosity, determination, hope, love , peace, etc.) to find meaning, purpose and success in their lives.

This collection of four wisdom tales from Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam explores humanitarian values common to all of the faith traditions inviting Key Stage 2 pupils or community audiences to identify, articulate and reflect on these values and their currency in and relevance to their lives. The stories are theatrically performed over 50 minutes followed by 10-15 minutes of conversation with options for extended engagement through games and exercises. This educational offering supports religious education, PSHE, citizenship, art & design and English strands of the KS2 national curriculum and is available for booking by schools nationally.

A Theatre-without-Walls Project event supported by

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